Here, it’s all about you.

It’s not about us. It’s about getting to know you — your hopes, dreams, concerns and expectations — and what you want out of life.
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What we bring to the table is knowledge and experience, which we put to work for you to create a customized strategy to pursue your goals — not ours. Again, you are at the center of everything we do and every decision we make, every single day. Because that’s the way it should be.

1. Listen

The first step is for us to listen — and earn your trust. Once we understand your goals and assess your starting point, we’ll work together to develop a comprehensive financial life plan.

Retirement | Travel | Starting a Business | Selling a Business | House Remodel | College Education | Weddings Funding Healthcare | Charitable Giving | Leaving Money to Heirs | Going Back to School | Vacation Home | Complex Estate Planning

2. Create a life plan.

Your financial plan is essentially a roadmap for how you’re going to achieve your goals. Creating your plan is a rigorous process that involves determining what you hope to achieve in the future, and also what is important to you today. It includes a thorough review of all your accounts and legal documents. Because we’re not creating some high-level plan we hope will get you where you want to be. Your customized plan is detailed and specific with real numbers, real projections, real directions and real milestones.
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We don’t just manage your wealth. We help you build it.

Financial planning is critical at every stage of life, including when you’re just starting out and may not yet have assets that need to be managed. Our Advisors can work with you in many ways on a consulting and financial planning basis to help you start building wealth and planning for your future and the more traditional fee for managing your assets.

3. Invest your money.

We invest your money strategically and carefully based on your goals and risk tolerance. We use robust technology tools for ongoing portfolio stress testing and management. We adjust your investments as your life, your goals and external economic circumstances change. Having this responsibility isn’t anything we take lightly. It’s our life’s work and we are meticulous, disciplined and determined to help you succeed.

4. Always be available.

One of the greatest reasons to work with a financial Advisor is to have a trusted resource you can talk to, not just about the stock market or your investment portfolio but about your life’s decisions. You can rest assured your Advisor will be a valuable resource and dedicated partner who is available to assist you whenever you need them.