1. Listen
The first step is for us to listen — and earn your trust. Once we understand your goals and assess your starting point, we’ll work together to develop a comprehensive financial life plan.
Retirement | Travel | Starting a Business | Selling a Business | House Remodel | College Education | Weddings Funding Healthcare | Charitable Giving | Leaving Money to Heirs | Going Back to School | Vacation Home | Complex Estate Planning
2. Create a life plan.
Your financial plan is essentially a roadmap for how you’re going to achieve your goals. Creating your plan is a rigorous process that involves determining what you hope to achieve in the future, and also what is important to you today. It includes a thorough review of all your accounts and legal documents. Because we’re not creating some high-level plan we hope will get you where you want to be. Your customized plan is detailed and specific with real numbers, real projections, real directions and real milestones.